Perilaku Merokok Orangtua dengan Kejadian ISPA Pneumonia Pada Balita

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Anika Ardila
Noraida Noraida
Erminawati Erminawati


Abstract: The Parental Smoking Behavior With The Occurrence Of Pneumonia Disease. Pneumonia is an acute infection process that affects the lung tissue (alveoli), with symptoms of rapid breathing and shortness of breath due to sudden lung inflammation. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, Streptococcus pneumonia (peumokokus).The purpose of this study to determine the correlation between smoking behavior with the occurrence of pneumonia disease over toddlers in the region Public Health Center of Sungai Ulin Banjarbaru in 2018. The type of this research was analytical research with retrospective approach with 1: 2 sample ratio. The case population was all families who have toddler with pneumonia diseases with case sampling 31 toddler and control population were all families with toddler not pneumonia with sampling 62 Toddler. The results showed the parental smoking behavior of 63 (65.6%) respondents and pneumonia disease of 31 (32.2%) cases. There was correlation of parental smoking behavior with the occurrence of pneumonia disease in infants with p value = 0.018 <α = 0.05, therefore Ho was rejected and Odd Ratio 3.935 so that parental smoking behavior in the house has more risk 3.935 times than those who smoke outside the home with the occurrence of pneumonia toddlers.Efforts that can be done through the socialization or installation of banners in public places such as in posyandu, school, the residential gate and so forth that easily visible about the dangers of smoking. Another suggestion for the community is to get used not to provide ashtray cigarettes on the table every room in the house

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